The Regenesis sculpture has finally been completed!!! After over a year of planning, drawing, building, carving, and casting, the piece was delivered and installed earlier this week. The dedication was a huge success.
This is the newspaper Article About the Regenesis Dedication.
New sculpture celebrates city’s transformation and pays homage to Greenville’s west side
(Greenville SC) The City of Greenville and Nachman Norwood & Parrott hosted a dedication ceremony this morning for the latest installment of public art made possible through the City’s Arts in Public Places initiative. The bronze sculpture, titled Regenesis, was created by local artist Charles Pate, Jr., who was also on-hand for the ceremony. The sculpture is located in front of the Nachman Norwood & Parrott offices at 1116 South Main Street on the corner of South Main and Perry Avenue.
Nachman Norwood & Parrott, a local wealth management firm located in the West End, expressed an interest in partnering with the City’s Arts in Public Places Commission and offered its property as a potential site for an art installation. Subsequently, the Arts in Public Places Commission issued a RFP for a sculpture on the site and in August 2010, commissioned Regenesis after selecting Pate’s proposal from among a variety of submissions by artists from across the southeast.
“Nachman Norwood & Parrott is committed to supporting the arts in Greenville and we are thrilled to be partnering with the City of Greenville and the Arts in Public Places Commission in placing the newest addition to downtown’s art collection on our property,” said Bob Nachman, Managing Director for Nachman Norwood & Parrott. “The reason we chose this location for our offices is because we believe strongly in the revitalization of this vibrant neighborhood and we hope that through this arts initiative, this corner will be one of the many showcases of Greenville’s west side.”
Regenesis depicts the image of a sculptor carving himself out of an aged tree trunk, and according to Pate, the sculpture is a metaphor for Greenville’s transformation. “Unlike a metamorphosis, in which nothing of the former creature remains, this transformation has visible roots,” said Pate. In his original proposal for the sculpture, Pate praised Greenville citizens’ efforts to preserve the historical integrity of the city and referenced the recent resurgence of the arts community on Greenville’s west side. “I believe that Greenville’s art district owes much to the community from which it has emerged,” he said. “With Regenesis, the sculptor’s strong arms and heavy tools represent the physical labor – the honest, hard work that built and sustained the area in bygone days, his emerging torso represents the power and promise of a new generation of Greenville artists and artisans and the incomplete figure, marked by the chisel, represents each artist’s desire to leave his or her own mark on the art world.”
According to William H. Pelham, President of Pelham Architects, LLC and chair of the City’s Arts in Public Places Commission, the unveiling of the sculpture Regenesis by local artist Charles Pate, Jr. is an exciting addition to Greenville’s public art collection. “The vision of the property owner, Nachman Norwood & Parrott, has resulted in a great piece of public art anchoring the South Main Street entrance to downtown Greenville.”

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