Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Some inspiration at Brookgreen

Not too long ago my Dad and I took a little trip down to the coast. While there we decided to take a day and walk through Brookgreen Gardens. In case you don't know about this place, Brookgreen is in Litchfield Beach, SC. 
If you have driven down US17, you have probably seen this...
These fighting stallions, at the entrance, were sculpted by Anna Hyatt Huntington.

Originally the land was used as rice plantations. Then it was purchased by Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington to be used as a garden and to showcase her sculptures. There are now over 1400 pieces of sculpture, from Huntington and others. Oh yeah, and its the largest outdoor sculpture gallery....IN THE WORLD!

I could honestly spend weeks there. Here are some of the sculptures that were so inspiring to me.

 Does this one look familiar?

This piece is definitely one of my favorites! Note the awesome hands and feet. My fellow artists will join me in recognizing the difficulty in drawing/painting/sculpting hands and feet.

"Night Lights" Downtown Greenville

"Night Lights"

I just finished this painting of beautiful Downtown. The oil painting took a long time to complete because of the amount of detail and because the piece is pretty large (36"x 48").